A Reiki treatment is generally described as soothing and promoting a deep sense of relaxation. Reiki enhances the body’s natural healing and gently influences the body towards balance – emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Treatments have been known to improve sleep and insomnia, reduce stress and anxiety, and ease physical and emotional pain.

The practice of Reiki supports desired lifestyle changes as people tend to feel calmer and more centered enabling them to stay focused on their goals and making healthier choices.

Reiki helps people by influencing the whole body towards balance – mind, body and spirit. Treatments restore balance and promote relaxation that strengthen and support the body’s natural healing response.

The spiritual healing practice is facilitated by either a gentle, light touch or no touch at all. Reiki is conducted on a wellness table with the client fully clothed but can also be performed virtually, also known as Distance Reiki.

We incorporate crystals in our practice for extra healing benefits and chakra balancing.

How can Reiki be performed virtually?

We are all connected to the same source of energy which means we are connected to each other. Energy has an impact regardless of time, space and physical proximity. You can energetically connect with anyone, anywhere and send them positive energy and healing vibes. During a Distance Reiki session, I’m connecting to your energy in the same way as I would if you were with me. I'm channeling the energy in to your energy field. There is no separation between you and I in the healing space.

What happens during a Reiki session?

Your session will start off with a short meditation, sound bowl, and gentle flowing music to assist in clearing the mind and allowing the body to begin to relax. Teressa will perform a body scan using a pendulum to see if any energy imbalances result. Spirit uses her to send balancing energy to those areas. A hand scan then begins at the top of the head and continues to the bottom of the feet. Spirit sends healing energy where it is needed. During the session, you may feel heat, tingling, or nothing at all. Everyone’s experience is different. At the end of the session, an Oracle card is pulled. Teressa discusses any visions she received with the client.

Japanese in origin, Reiki was founded in the early 1900’s. Introduced to the Western world in the 1930’s, Reiki practice has become a widely accepted form of healing by many throughout the world.